Ko Da Ma

~small piece for solo marimba~

dedicated to Antonio Santangelo(2021)

"Small piece," is my reference to an emotion-evoking travel journal rather than a traditional, particular technical compositional form.


KO DA MA should be thought of more as a "diary" of emotions, sympathies, and melodies, than a technical exercise. KO DA MA means "echo." Overall it displays a bouncy rhythmic character, written in two main sections or "scenes."


The first scene displays a dynamic, expressive character, referencing Germany. The second scene, from its harmonic content until the end, expresses nostalgia for Japan. The piece expresses my emotional attachment to each country.


I hope KO DA MA's melodies remain in one's ears, like a lovely musical "postcard" brought home in one's pocket after returning from a journey . . . . 

score is available from 
